Estrildid Finches in Aviculture ... Identifying Firefinches in American Aviculture


Until recently, the genus of estrildids known as firefinches, Lagonosticta, was not taken seriously here or abroad. We can recall reading, not too long ago,an article in a foreign finch publication which stated that there are at least 30 species of firefinches which have been bred together and distilled into just one species.

In this country we received a phone call from a fancier inquiring about firefinches. When asked what kind she had, the answer came back, "A male." Obviously, she did not understand the question, as we meant what species, not what sex.

This type of comment reveals the prevailing ignorance about firefinches. It is quite frustrating when people lump all firefinches together as if there were just one species.

The truth is, there are 10, possibly 11, species of firefinches of which eight or nine are known to have been imported into this country. We shall discuss them in order of their availability in the U.S.

Firefinches are easily broken down into two trees of development-the red-beaked and the black-beaked varieties. First we shall discuss the redbeaked...