Starlings and Mynas


T he names starling and myna are often used interchangeably similar to pigeon and dove. Myna is the Hindi word for starling and is often used for species native to southern and southeastern Asia and the southeastern Pacific. Many of the Asian birds are known as both starlings and mynas.

Near Extinction of the Bali Myna

There are 114 species in the stumidae family. All are from the Old World. To date five known species of starling/myna have become extinct. All five of these were island species. Currently there are seven sturnidae species that are globally threatened. Only one of these seven, the Bali Myna, has a conservation program in place.

Though the wild population of Bali Mynas has been difficult to estimate, it has fluctuated dramatically since the 1970s. In 1981 there were estimated to be 250 birds. By 1990 that number had dropped to 15. Due to some birds being introduced back into the wild, the 1992 figure increased to 55 birds. By 1998 though, the estimated wild population was back down to 14. The number of Bali Mynas in captivity at present is estimated to be 700.

There are several reasons for the decline of the wild population. Keeping Bali Mynas as pets in Indonesia has been a tradition for many years. In the 1960s and '70s several hundred wild birds were captured and shipped to the U.S. and Europe for the pet trade.

Though international trade is now illegal, to possess this species is a symbol of wealth and status in Indonesia. An individual bird will bring 1,000- 2,000 dollars on the black market in Indonesia. Many of the birds that were


banded and released have been subsequently recovered when found for sale in Indonesian bird markets. The conversion of forest to agricultural land, and deforestation for firewood and human settlements have greatly decreased their natural habitat.

In response to the decreasing wild population, the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, and the Indonesian government have set up a Species Survival Program (SSP). The main goals of this program are to study the wild population, protect what habitat is left, guard the existing wild population, and develop a captive breeding program to maintain genetic diversity and supplement the wild population through the release of captive raised birds.


Beneficial Starlings

The Eurasian Rose-colored and African Wattled Starlings are believed to be beneficial due to their insect control near agricultural crops. Both species establish breeding colonies in areas where swarms of locusts and grasshoppers appear. It is believed that they eat enough of these insects to protect food crops.

Pest Starlings?

There are some species of starling/myna that are considered to be pests. The European Starling and Common Myna are two examples of this. European Starlings were introduced to North America and are extremely gregarious. As well as damaging important crops they compete with native birds for hollows in which to nest.

Common Mynas, introduced to many places including Hawaii and South Africa, are known not only to damage crops but also to wipe out populations of beneficial insects. Some states actually prohibit the ownership of starlings and mynas. California is one state that bans all sturnidae species except for the Hill Myna.


Starlings/mynas are popular zoo birds. The following is an introductory natural history outline on the starling and myna species that can be found at Disney's Animal Kingdom. It is not meant to be an exhaustive reference but only a brief outline to spark more interest in sturnids. Most of these species are widely found in zoos and in private aviculture.

Amethyst Starling Cinnyricinclus leucogaster

Amethyst Starlings are sexually dimorphic, meaning that the male and female are physically different in some way. This species is dichromatic which means that the physical difference is the color of the bird. Throughout Africa, south of the Sahara, this starling is common to abundant. In some areas this species occurs seasonally. Amethyst Starlings are also found on the southwest border of the Arabian peninsula, in open woodland areas and riverine forest.

Amethyst Starlings move in large groups when trees are producing fruit. Fruits, insects, termites, winged ants, seeds, and mistletoe berries have all been found in stomachs of wild birds. This species seldom feeds on the ground, taking insects off branches in flight. The captive diet consists mainly


of fruit, insectivorous bird mix, and insects. A commercially made bird pellet is often part of the captive diet. Chicks are usually raised on live food alone.

Amethyst Starlings nest from 2-6 meters above the ground in hollow trees. They compete with Pied Barbets and Grey-headed Sparrows for nest holes. The amount of time the male has been observed to contribute to nest building varies greatly. Wild birds have been reported to use dung to the exclusion of all other nesting materials. In captivity, pairs have been observed to use primarily leaves as their nest building material.

The eggs are pale blue with reddishbrown spots more concentrated at the broad end. In the wild they lay 2-4 eggs in a clutch and they are incubated for 12 days. The female usually incubates the eggs, with both parents feeding the chicks. Chicks fledge at 21 days. In captivity the incubation period ranges from 12-14 days and the nestling period has varied from 17 -26 days.




Feare, Chris & Craig, Adrian. (1999). Starlings and Mynas. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New jersey.

DeSchauensee, Rodolphe M. (1984). The Birds of China. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Mackworth-Praed, C.W. & Grant, C.H.B. (1960).

African Handbook of Birds. Series 1. Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa. Longman. London and New York.

The Bali Myna Story. http://www. riverbanks. org/aig/bali.htm