View from the Perch: WE GET LETTERS


Dear Sirs:
I am interested in keeping one of the
larger parrots as a pet. I would only want
a very young bird, and am skeptical of
the age and health of birds I see in pet
stores. Also, with my experiences with
pure bred dogs and cats, I am well aware
that much better animals can be purchased
from breeders than from pet shops,
and usually at much lower prices. I do
not knowlif this is true of the bird fancier•
but I would like to investigate all possibilities
before making a purchase.
Does anyone breed African Greys or
Amazons in this country? If so, could I
please have some names and addresses of
breeders I could contact? I would also
like to know if there is a parrot club I
could write to.
Thank you very much.
Dear Madam:
Your letter of inquiry regarding keeping
one of the larger parrots as a pet is
one of several indicating the increased
interest, by people in the United States,
in birds.