African Parrot Society


T here have been so many new Specialty Organizations founded and recently affiliated with the American Federation of Aviculture that people may have forgotten that we also enjoy membership from well-established organizations. One of these long-time affiliated organizations is the African Parrot Society.

The African Parrot Society was founded in 1990 at the Washington, D.C., American Federation of Aviculture convention. African Parrot Society has been affiliated with the American Federation of Aviculture for many years. It has also sponsored several fabulous speakers at American Federation of A viculture conventions including South Africa's Mike Perrin and the dynamic Jan Beatrous. A perennial favorite, the African Parrot Society has a spectacular collection of photographs at their booth and very helpful, friendly people willing to share their extensive knowledge.


Currently, African Parrot Society has approximately 300 members worldwide. The Society publishes an extensive and educational newsletter called Tbe African Ark. Articles are submitted by researchers, biologists, veterinarians, breeders, and pet owners. The African Parrot Society is strongly conservation oriented. It conducts annual surveys on all African species and


compiles the statistics. African Parrot Society is also working on both studbooks and genealogy books for various rare species.

Membership privileges in African Parrot Society include four issues of The African Ark. Members are encouraged to offer comments and articles for publication in The Ark All members who participate in the annual census and studbooks will be given free classified bird ads (African parrots only, please). Members are invited to attend annual membership meetings at the American Federation of Aviculture conventions.





For more information contact:

African Parrot Society Post Office Box 204 Clarinda, IA 51632-2731