OPINION & VIEWPOINT... Why Captive Breeding?


M any species are threatened due to habitat destruction, over hunting, pollution, and accidental killing. Their loss will have a great impact on our lives. Apart from purely humane reasons, we should care because each threatened species fills a vital niche in our environment. They are a part of the food chain and our ecosystem. The loss of a certain type of plant might mean starvation for a bird or insect that feeds on food crop pests.

Worldwide, plant and animal species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate.

So few are born in the wild and mortality rates are high. Further, as extinction rates accelerate and so many of the world's species are now threatened in their countries of origin, I believe conservation by means of captive breeding is a MUST.

The results of captive breeding will play a significant role in conserving species. The individuals of a species participating in captive breeding programs can serve as a genetic reservoir for the species. If the wild populations of the species reach critically low numbers, new wild populations of species can he created from captive populations - providing the reasons for the low numbers are corrected and there is still a suitable environment.

Captive breeding is also a means of research, which adds to the scientific information about these wonderful creatures. Captive breeding with good management ensures that the future of our feathered friends does not slip out of our grasp.

You all know that the environment does not start or end with jungles, textbooks, and norms. It's a physical reality and should he protected by all of us as a part of every indi-


vidual's responsibility. "Environment should become religion."

There are some things that money or power can't buy. Extinction is forever. If nothing is done now, we will wake up one day and find that our wildlife no longer exists.

"Only one species on this earth can stop destruction - THE HUMAN RACE"

There are some barriers to keep birds in captivity. My only question to the concerned is "Can we get back the Dodo, the Cuban Macaw, Newton's Parakeet, Mascarene Parakeet, Paradise Parrot, Bonin Wood-pigeon and others which are extinct?" The response will certainly be NO.

It's a fact that extinction is a natural feature of the evolution of life on Earth. But in recent times humans have been responsible for the loss of most of the animals and plants that have disappeared.

The past cannot be changed.

The future is yet in our powers.

Call me a rebel, if you will, but that's me. I have a passion for birds. A passion to breed, a commitment to conserve all the species which are on the verge of extinction, and to actively defend the rights of Nature.

If still some are against captive breeding then I am worried,

I am worried that the species are declining at an alarming rate.

I am worried that human population is increasing at a phenomenal rate.

I am worried that to meet ever growing human needs, natural habitats are destroyed.

I am worried the Government has so many other priorities.