Everybody loves a convention-most of the time. Granted, the primary reason for holding our convention is to bring together the directors of the organization to expedite the business of keeping the A.F.A. healthy and growing. The business meeting can give one a headache. But when the business is over, the fun begins.
Secondary but very important reasons for having a convention are education and socialization. All of the A.F.A. conventions have featured the very finest speakers available. They have always entertained and educated the convention guests with great skill and finesse. No one can listen to the various speakers without learning one or two very helpful hints that can be applied in one's aviaries at home. In fact, if we each acrually put into practice the things we learned at the conventions a great upgrading of aviculture would occur all over the country.
Human nature being what it is, however, most people probably attend conventions for the intense socializing that occurs with folks who share a common interest. Bird people like to boast a bit about their own collections or methods and I should tell you, folks, that at a convention the first liar doesn't stand a
chance. Srories get bigger and better as time goes on. But they are enjoyable and can be great fun if one doesn't cake one's self too seriously. It's also nice to dress up for the grand banquet and to put one's best foot forward.
A good convention almost verges on a fantasy world where folks can get away from the humdrum bird chores and business world and enter into a select little realm of excitement, glitter, and hightension social relationships. Fortunately, most conventions are of short duration. If not, most of us would burn out in about a week or our best forward foot would become so scuffed it would be beyond repair.
As man is a very social creature. conventions serve an important role in the continuity and growth of any hobby or business. Our avicultural world is so complex and inter-dependent now that a great coming together once or rwice a year is a necessiry rather than a luxury. It can be luxurious also as many convention goers will arrest. All in all, not one of you should be without convention experience. Try to arrange your affairs so that you can attend the 1981 convention in San Diego. You, and all of the rest of us, will be glad that you did. See you there.