Avy Awards


A new Avy Awards Committee was formed at the 1981 A.F.A. convention in San Diego, California, with Dale Thompson serving as chairman. The committee stayed within the basic guidelines but simplified some of the rules. The results of the committee's efforts are printed here for your information.

Please study these Avy Awards guidelines and be prepared to submit your candidates for the various awards to be presented in Washington, D. C. in 1982.


1. Nominations for the first time breeding must be within the last calendar year.

2. Nominations must be submitted by December 31st of the nominating year. The award will be given at the AFA convention the following year. This will give the awards committee approximately six months to confirm the firsttime breeding.

3. Persons nominated must have bred the bird in the United States (50 states).

4. Person nominated must be a member of the AFA.

5. Each nomination must submit an article on the avicultural details of the first breeding which will be submitted to the Watchbird. (The editor of Watchbird will form an article if all relevant facts are submitted.)

6. Nominations may be submitted by breeders of the first breeding or any other person or club.

7. Nominations for first breedings must establish that the young of US first breedings are totally weaned and selfsufficient before submitting the nominations. Birds which are not weaned before nomination deadline (due to late hatching dates in that calendar year), should be nominated the following year after self-sufficiency has been proven.

8. Confirmations of first-breeding nominations will be done through the awards committee.

9. Nominations for first breeding will be published in Watchbird to aid in their confirmation.

10. Scientific names will be used from Marony, Boch, & Farrand Jr.....