Extinct Birds for Sale


At the 1982 Washington D.C. Convention you can take advantage of a generous conspiracy. Craig Hendee commissioned artist Paul Greenheck of Rothschild, Wisconsin, to create a painting of the beautiful but extinct Carolina Parakeet. Craig bought the original painting to grace a wall in his home, but could not resist the opportunity to share this unusual work with others keenly interested in endangered species. The A.F.A. agreed with Craig and the project got underway. Mr. Greenheck donated his copyright to the A.F.A. Riendle Printing of Wausau, Wisconsin, lent its time and talent to produce 300 full color top quality prints.

These prints will be numbered and signed and you'd better hurry if you want one! In addition to adding a fine print of unusual subject matter to your collection, you can take pleasure knowing that every penny of profit will go directly into the fund of the A.F.A. Conservation Committee. The prints are $ 50 a piece.

The artist, Paul Greenheck, has always had an interest in wildlife which began in his youth. During college days he drifted into modern art but was jolted back to wildlife art by a fabulous show sponsored by the Leigh Yawkay Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin. Paul's artistic energies are now directed toward wildlife art exclusively.

If you would like to purchase the print, but will be unable to attend the Washington convention, please contact the A.F.A. home office, P.O. Box 1568, Redondo Beach, CA 90278. Add $3.00 handling and shipping charge to the price of the print.