Important Notice To All A.F.A. Members


The reorganization of A.F.A. with some State Coordinators being voted into elective offices on the newly established Executive Board has resulted in several vacancies in State Coordinators. Other coordinators moving; or resigning have increased this number.

The following states are without State Coordinators:

Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas (both in the north and south), Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The administrative framework of the American Federation of Aviculture is its State Coordinators. The organization is dependent upon this dedicated, nonpolitical group of representatives to keep it aware of legislation that might affect aviculture at the state and local levels and to spearhead action against any restrictive measures. The State Coordinator is kept informed of all official information and policy and disseminates this intelligence to aviculturists in his/her state. They are THE representatives of aviculture in the name of A.F.A. in their particular state.

If you wish to become a pan of this elite group, and your state is at present without a coordinator, please write to The Chairman of the State Coordinators, c/o The A.F.A. Home Office, P.O. Box 1568, Redondo Beach, CA 90728 and request further information.