During 26-29 April 1982 raptor researchers and conservationists from around the globe gathered in Thessaloniki, Greece for a conference jointly organized by the I.C.B.P. World Working Group on Birds of Prey and the Government of Greece. Although the conference theme was a workshop on the conservation and management of birds of prey in the Mediterranean, numerous workshops were held that pertained to other regions. A sample of the workshop topics include conservation and education on birds of prey, methods for studying conservation problems of birds of prey during migration, conservation and management of vultures and conservation strategy for birds of prey in tropical forest.
Participating mainly in the vulture sessions I found the meeting and country most enchanting. The weather was unseasonably cold and rainy but cleared up by the end of the week to allow the parncrpanrs time for a rrip into Thessaloniki allowing everyone to grasp a feeling for old Greece. A number of resolutions...