in Congress Assembled


A.F .A. Washington Liaison Cliff Witt
has reported that H.R. 6631 has not been
scheduled for a hearing and has been
advised by a staff member of the Subcommittee
on Fisheries, Wildlife , and the
Environment, where the bi ll has collected
dust since its introduction more than
eighteen months ago, that the bill is not
likely to be heard this year.
It is generally true that bills not heard
before the Fourth of July recess do not
get a first reading until the fo llowing
year. However, this year the session ends
in December at which time H.R. 6631
dies, if it has not already been passed by
both hou es of Congress. Passage is all but
impossible at this late date, since Congress
recesses October 2, 1976 for the
General Election in November.
Another attempt to license the private
hobby breeder may occur in 1977. The
Watchbird will be watching.