Ami-Smuggling Efforts


Below spans the Rio Grande River, crossed each year by countless tourists in route to the colorful markets in Mexico. Numerous bargains exist including textiles, pottery and exotic liquors. Unfortunately parrots are also included. Offered at only a fraction of the price asked in the States, they are very enticing. Many tourists succumb to the temptation. For American Aviculmre the results are especially devastating. Only a few infected parrots are required to close down the border to all importations. It is an additional "thorn in our side" often used by the conservationists in efforts to eliminate all avian importations.

As an expression of A.F.A. 's concern over parrot smuggling an effort is being made to educate the public about the potential damage infected smuggled parrots may create. This program includes the manufacturing and posting of metal signs at the border crossings, distribution of leaflets and posters and letter to the mayors of all border cities (U.S. and Mexico) expressing our concern over the situation.

To succeed, this program requires your supporr. Funds are needed to have signs constructed and posted. If we all share the cost now, we may lessen the possibility of border closure later. Only $1.00 from each member will provide sufficient funds to complete the project.

For a brighter future for A.F.A. and American Aviculture send your tax deductable check to...