American Pet Show Announcement, Exotic Newcastle Alert


American Pet Show July 9, 10, 1983

The third American Pet Show will take place on Saturday & Sunday, July 9-10 at the Anaheim Convention Center in southern California.

This is the only industry-sponsored not-for-profit public pet exhibition held in the United States. The U.S. Department of Commerce has, in fact, designated it as a "Certified United States Trade Fair." At the first show in 1981, also held at Anaheim Convention Center, there was a paid public attendance of 33,365 and 40,000 + is expected this July.

The show consists of hobbyist/ breeder exhibits of pet birds, cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, reptiles and miscellaneous species, pet animal entertainment, seminars on pet care (''How to Choose the Right Pet for Your Lifestyle," etc.). exhibits of pet-related organizations such as the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association, American Federation of Aviculture , 4H Clubs, humane societies, manufacturers' exhibits and demonstrations in the 500,000 square foot Anaheim Convention Center.

Admission is $4.75 for adults, $2.50 for children under 12 and seniors with children under 6 being admitted free.

The show's purpose: to promote a broader base of more responsible pet ownership.

Show hours each day: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets at the box office only.•

Exotic Newcastle Disease Alert

Exotic Newcastle Disease (Asiatic Newcastle disease; velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease [VVND]) was diagnosed in young yellow-naped Amazon parrots in New York on March 29, 1983. These parrots were part of a shipment from Mendocino Bird Farm, Santa Rosa, California. VVND has been diagnosed at this facility as well as in a Mendocino shipment to Fremont, California.

VVND has been diagnosed in seized smuggled birds located in Porterville, Riverside, and San Ysidro, California. VVND has also been diagnosed in a bird in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Orange, California. These latter two infections were detected by surveillance samples submitted by local practitioners. A Newcastle disease virus has been isolated from additional surveillance samples submitted to the San Diego Laboratory but has not been characterized.

All isolations were made from young


yellow-naped Amazon parrots believed to have entered the United States illegally. The shipment of birds to New York had leg bands similar to USDA approved leg bands but were identified with "HS, CA & XX" plus numerals.

USDA approved leg bands are identified by the following coding system:

Identification System for

USDA Approved Leg Bands

Privately Owned Quarantine Facilities

California CXXOOO and OXXOOO

Florida FXXOOO


Illinois IXXOOO

Louisiana LXXOOO

Michigan MXXOOO



Washington WXXOOO

(Note: X equals a letter, 0 equals a number, first letter designates state; second letter designates quarantine facility; last four letters and numerals designate bird.)

USDA Commercial Quarantine Stations

Honolulu, Hawaii HHOOOO

Newburgh, New York NNYOOOO

Miami, Florida 58A to 58FOOOO or

USDA-FOOOO USDA Pet Bird Quarantine Stations

Nogales, Arizona USDA-NOOOO

Miami, Florida USDA-MOOOO

Honolulu, Hawaii USDA-HOOOO

Newburgh, New York USDA-NNYOOOO

San Ysidro, California USDA-SYOOOO

Los Angeles, California USDA-AOOOO

Brownsville, Texas USDA-BOOOO

El Paso, Texas USDA-EOOOO

Laredo, Texas USDA-10000

USDA Confiscated Bird Quarantine Station

Mission, Texas USDA-XOOOO

Please watch for stainless steel leg bands on certain psittacines with other identifying numbers. Remember that certain psittacines, such as lovebirds, cockatiels, and budgerigars, raised in the United States may have a variety of leg bands and are not usually smuggled. Whenever stainless steel bands other than the official bands are found and also when VVND is suspected, one of the following persons should be contacted:

Dr. Keith Hand, Area Code 3011436-8065 or

Area Veterinarian in Charge, Veterinary Services (usually state capitol)


State Veterinarian or

U.S. Customs Service Hot Line:

Area Code 2021566-8490 •