Canary Culture - Two Important Italian Publications


Two Important Italian Publications

Anyone who is addicted to the branch of Aviculture dealing with canaries should own the book, "Canaries of the World." Unfortunately, those who are not able to read Italian will not benefit directly from the book. The real title is "Canarini di tutto ii Mondo," by G. de Baseggio and S. Quercellini.


The authors gave me permission to translate and use any of the information within the book.

I intend to do so, and this article will basically introduce the book and its content. Subsequent articles will deal with material extracted from the book which I find original and very informative.

''Canaries of the World,'' boasts eight splendid tables in full color of the species and subspecies of the genera "Serinus."

It has many drawings and pictures describing all of the fine details of 34 species and 70 subspecies of all known domesticated canaries in existence.

The book is broken down in 17 chapters and a special chapter at the end of the book. The first three chapters deal with classification of the Serinus. The following chapters deal with subjects such as; nutrition reproduction, housing, hybrids, and breeding experience with different "Serinus" species.

The chapter on feeding and nutrition has tons of original and useful information. I in-


Dr. Prof. de Baseggio has another book which deserves mention. The book is about Frilled Canaries also written in Italian under the title "I Canarini Arricciati." The co-author of this book was Prof. F. Lambardini, very well known aviculturist and specialist in the field of Frilled Canaries.

It was this book that for the first time made me aware of the talents Prof. de Baseggio has as an author and artist. •