In Memory of Joe deAguiar


In Memory of Joseph deAguiar

After a long illness, Joseph deAguiar passed away on March 9th, 1984 in Lakewood, California. Mr. deAguiar was a very active founding member of AFA who devoted an extraordinary amount of time and energy to the organization.

Joe began bird keeping in his native Brazil and brought his hobby with him when he came to the United States. Once here, he established his own business and continued in the bird fancy. In the early days of the AFA Joe served as a wise business advisor on the board of directors and functioned as the AFA home office before a staffed business office was established.

No early AFA officer had greater vision or foresight regarding the future of the AFA. Joe recommended that the AFA purchase a then-inexpensive building and establish a home office. The investment, he said, would appreciate and provide AFA with capital for further expansion. Indeed, Joe had visions of an AFA world headquarters skyscraper of glass and steel in the foreseeable future.

Joe's fervent dedication and abundant energy were very instrumental in the creation and expansion of the AFA. He was, in truth, an international ambassador for the AFA as well as delegate, raffle chairman, and 2nd vice president. The AFA old timers will miss him dearly and you new comers will never know how much the AFA owes him. •