International Loriidae Society


The International LORIIDAE Society has been formed and is dedicated to the following goals:

1. To building self-sustaining captive bred populations of all the Loriidae species possible,

2. To disseminate avicultural and scientific information on the Loriidae to all members and other interested parties through the Newsletter,

3. To take an annual census of the captive population of the Loriidae presently held in captivity,

4. To assist where possible the preservation of the Lorridae in the wild.

Dues are $12.00 per year. Canadian and foreign $18.00 U.S. per year including airmail postage.

Mail dues to: International LORIIDAE Society, 20714 S.E. 260th, Kent, WA 98042, in care of the treasurer.

As a member you will receive 4 issues per year of the newsletter, 1 copy of the annual census tally, and 1 copy of the membership list.

Each issue will carry a Want/Sell ad section free to members.

If you are interested, please send for a free copy of the newsletter and a membership application blank. •