From the editor's desk


Dear Editor
I am very much interested in RedCrested
Cardinals (Paroaria coronata) and
enjoyed the article by Mr. Chris LaRue
very much [Watchbird, Vol. III, No.4,
Aug/Sept 1976]. I cannot think why Mr.
LaRue failed to describe the Red-Crested
Cardinal hen, however. I too, Mr. LaRue,
am somewhat disappointed with the
"Watchbird"; you with the ridiculous
cover and I with your failure to attempt
to describe the hen.
Another point of contention. I'd like
to point out to Mr. Gerald Moore that
for many years aviculturists around the
world wanted to get their hands on the
scientists who are naming the birds. Mr.
Rae Anderson told me that when his
Gould Finch article was written, the
proper scientific name for the bird was
Poephila gouldiae rather than Chloebia. I
would like to find out where you, Mr.
Moore, came by the knowledge of the
"new" scientific name for the Gouldians.
The bird was named by its discover,
John Gould. He named it after his wife.
Was Gould right or wrong?
E. Necek
Los Angeles, CA.