Notices, Announcements


Association of Avian Veterinarians Awards Scholarships

Robert Altman, Chairman of the Student Scholarships Committee of the A.AV, is pleased to announce the veterinary schools that have been selected as recipients of scholarships for offcampus experiences in avian medicine for the 1986-87 school year: Purdue University and the University of Pennsylvania will receive Sl00.00 per week for a maximum of four weeks each, and Ohio State University will receive 5100.00 per week for a maximum of two weeks. Students must apply directly to their schools for this assistance.

Funding by A.AV will be awarded at the completion of the experience, and a written review of the rotation will be expected. The schools were selected by a random drawing; a new drawing will be held for the 1987-88 school year.


Help Find a Mascot

The AFA is considering adopting a mascot bird, a spokesbird, as it were, akin to the "Uncle Sam" eagle used by the 1984 Olympic Committee.

Please let us know what you think. In a note addressed to "Mascot," P.O. Box 1568, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, describe the bird, real or imaginary, that you feel would best represent the AFA.

Needing Seed Hoppers?

Many readers have asked about certain seed hoppers featured in a couple of AFA Visits articles. The exact hopper pictured does not seem to be in production any longer and the inventor has disappeared.

One of our members, however, years ago independently designed and built similar hoppers for his own use. Those of you interested may contact Harold Webster Jr., 211 Denver Way, Henderson, Nevada 89104. Telephone (702) 564-1986.


AFA Plans Veterinary Seminar August 10, 1986

The American Federation of Aviculture Veterinary Seminar will be held Sunday, August 10th in conjunction with the AFA annual convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The program will be entitled "Incorporating Avian Medicine into Your Practice:' The theme this year is oriented coward the small animal veterinarian who would like to include the treatment of birds in his practice.

The speakers will be Dr. Amy Worell, Dr. Roger Harlin, Dr. Susan Wells, and Dr. Ken Takeshita.

For additional information contact Arny Worell, DVM, Parkwood Pet Clinic, 6330 Fallbrook Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Telephone (818) 884-5506.