President's Message


The AFA's 12th annual convention in New Orleans was an outstanding success and left the convention goers with a good deal of useful information not to mention the inspiration it offered us to go out and be even more creative in our avicultural pursuits. An underlying theme of the conference was the notion that breeders must redouble their efforts if we hope to have a diverse number of species with which to work in the years ahead. It was noted that fewer countries remain in the export wildlife trade this year than last and the pace of countries closing is accelerating.

For the first time ever at an AFA conference, several speakers made presentations on softbills, an area of aviculture too long overlooked by most of us. It was amply demonstrated that softbills are actually no more difficult to keep than most psittacines or finches, while they offer a wonderful cornucopia of color patterns and interesting behaviors far more numerous and diverse than practically all other bird groups combined. Coincidentally and most auspiciously, the International Softbill Society held its first meeting and presented its members with the first issue of their bulletin, The Honeycreeper, which is quite informative. Dues are $15 per individual annually. Interested breeders may contact this organization at: Softbiil Society, c/o National Aquarium in Baltimore, Pier 3, 501 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202.


The business of AFA was conducted in an atmosphere of enthusiasm that bodes well for our future. A number of new faces have appeared in the executive committee, with the addition of Tom Marshall as first vice president, Ann Bickham as executive secretary, Dallas Johnson as northeastern regional vice president, Tony Silva as midwestern regional vice president, Dick Dickinson as Northern California regional vice president, and Dick Stocker as Southern California regional vice president. It is with great pleasure that I welcome them aboard the executive committee. l would also like to publicly thank outgoing officers Don Cavender, Lorene Clubb, Linda Sun, Bill Wilson, Jim Coffman, and Alena Long. These people have made invaluable contributions to AFA and their support is appreciated by everyone. Don Cavender also did a splendid job of putting together the convention in New Orleans.

As we head into the fall months l would urge our members to look forward to our winter regional conference, which will be held in conjunction with the International Foundation for the Conservation of Birds' Second Jean Delacour/IFCB Symposium on Breeding Birds in Captivity. The symposium will be held February 11-15, 1987 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Hollywood, California and promises to be one of the most interesting and informative avicultural gatherings ever. AFA will hold its winter board meeting on February 11th. the clay before the speaker sessions begin. AFA members should indicate on their registration forms that they are AFA members, as this will directly benefit AFA, since there will be only one registration fee, paid directly to IFCB. Please note that the deadline is November I, 1986 after which the fee increases. I look foward to seeing you at the symposium.