Avy Award Winners for 1985


\X'e are honored to award the following persons and institutions on their accomplishments in the field of Aviculture.

1985 Gold Avy Award

David West for outstanding contributions to the field of Aviculrure.

U.S. 1st Breeding Avy Awards

1. Grosbeak Starling

(Hacbed February l ", 1984) Jfetrozoo. Miami, Florida

2. Toucan Barber

(Hatched October 15, 198-1) Audubon Zoological Park

3. Black Parrot/Lesser Vasa Parrot (Hatcbed]11ly 29, 1985) Richard Reely

-1. Common Trumpeter (Hatched iHay 25, 1984) Woodland Park Zoological Gardens

5. Java Hill Mynah (Hatched May 6, 1984) Dan & Ina Walton

1985 Watchbird Avy Awards

I. Steven H. Amos

Captiue Management of Graynecked Wood-rails

2. Fred and L yrae Perry Introduction to the Psittacula Pamity

Avy Appreciation Awards

I. Linda S. Rubin for outstanding service given to the National Cockatiel Society

2. Dr. Al Decoteau for outstanding service given tO the New Hampshire Avicultural Society.