EMMA Pilot Project - Spring-Summer 1986


What does ''EMMA'' stand for? ...

Emergency Membership and Marketing Action. What is its purpose? ... to gain new members for APA ... to enable us to market APA more effectively. .. to increase revenues.

Linda Sun has been a very valuable member of the "EMMA" task force. She has an interesting and provocative perspective on the project. We'll be sharing these insights and more about "EMMA" in coming issues with the hope that APA delegates and members across the country will start their own "EMMA" effort soon. Because ... IT WORKS! It builds team play and

friendship, it adds members and revenues and is personally exciting and rewarding.

Equally important, now that the prototype program has been completed in southern California, the kinks are worked out and we have a well thought out performance-tested plan for you to follow.

Part of the "EMMA" plan includes seminars for bird lovers outside of the APA and helps market ourselves more efficiently. The seminars we have presented have been extremely well received.

I want to personally say a very big THANK YOU to all the fine southern California "EMMA" delegates and member volunteers. They have been wonderful and have proven that there are more than a Jew devoted folks who are eager to do their part for the APA.

I believe each of you will too!

Nancy Winters Executive Director

This is a brief birth announcement. In the next issue of the Watchbird we will peek into the egg of the EMMA project, so that the germ of life inside can be inspected. EMMA is a welcome addition to our AFA family and will soon be flying cross-country all over the nation. The story of EMMA's conception, fertilization, incubation, hatch and fledging may give many of us a new insight into what AFA is all about. Everyone who offered to assist at the birth was welcomed with open arms and EMMA became everybody's baby.

News of a successful nesting tends to spread and enterprising AFA people across the land are already on pin feathers and needles, anxious to see the pipping of their own EMMAS - not necessarily exact clones of the original plan, but with the same hereditary lines and family traits. With additional ideas and different approaches in the states, we will refine and improve the breed. Statistics are not yet complete, but as of the end of August, EMMA has produced just over $10,000.00 for AFA's dwindling reserves. Additionally, EMMA, which by its very nature is a concern for the welfare and health of AFA, has continued to spark new ideas and ongoing projects. Now that we know there is a big need for our help and that we can hand-feed AFA into a strong, thriving flock, imaginative AFA people want to get started. The spirit is willing, and the flush (of accomplishment) is sweet. •