AFA in Action ... News & Views - June 1990



Presents Award to AFA

March 10, 1990 - Tampa, Fl. The American Federation of Aviculture was presented with a $200 cash award for their outstanding contributions in the field of avian conservation. Hugh Bishop, managing editor of Pets/Supplies/Marketing, presented AFA's President Phyllis Martin with the "World Conservation Award" during P/S/M's welcoming reception on Saturday night which was held in conjunction with the Pet Industry Distributors Association show.

AFA has a very active conservation program and has awarded $37 ,894 to date in small grants to conservation projects. In addition to the small grants program, a comprehensive project on the Venezuelan Black-hooded Red Siskin (Carduelis cucullata) has been developed and approved by AFA's board of directors. This effort includes the captive propagation of birds for possible future release into suitable habitat in Venezuela as well as the projection of a Spanish language propagation manual and the financial support of field studies on the feral population in Puerto Rico. •


-WANTEDPublic Relations Chairman

Anyone interested in volunteering to do AFA public relations work please contact: Phy! I is Martin, President, 4311 S. Trask St., Tampa, Florida 33611, phone (813) 837-4555.

Requirements: Be able to produce factual, informative press releases pertaining to AFA activities such as conventions, meetings, awards, research and conservation committee work and projects funded by AFA; be willing to contact committee chairmen regularly for information which will require telephone follow-up calls after written requests; maintain an active mailing list of bird related publications to whom press releases are sent; write up articles about AFA convention activities for publication in Watchbird immediately after convention; urge attendance to national convention to cover activities.

Compensation: Volunteer status ONLY. Operate within a budget which covers committee related expenses such as printing, postage and telephone calls. •



Siskin Consortium Changes

Two major changes in the AFA Red Siskin Consortium have been made since our published article in the Watchbird, Feb/Mar '90 issue. They include:

A. Permits are not required to participate as birds are on breeding loan to participants.

B. To participate (receive birds from AFA), the application has been simplified from 28 questions to six. Please answer each of these as fully as possible. Attach any additional comments.

1. Previous two years' experience maintaining and/or

breeding birds.

2. Previous experience with siskins or other seedeaters.

3. Describe your facility, e.g., cages, floor, etc.

4. Letter of reference from a local aviculturist (someone who has seen your facility or can attest as to your abilities) and/or your avian vet.

5. If #4 is not from your avian vet, please include his/her name and telephone number.

6. Duration you feel willing to commit to this program:

1 year 2 to 3 years 4 to 5 years indefinite period

C. The chairman has changed from Ed Diebold to Kevin Gorman. All communications as well as your application (a letter answering the above six questions constitutes an application) should be forwarded to:

Kevin Gorman

Chair/APA Red Siskin Consortium 204 Conrad Drive

Rochester,NY 14616

Don't forget to include your complete address and telephone number on all correspondence. •