California Game Breeders Association


The California Game Breeders Association was formed in 1934. The primary goal was to increase members' knowledge of gamebirds and waterfowl and exchange ideas for better bird breeding. The current membership stands at 197 with most members concentrated in California, others scattered throughout the western United States.

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at Bahooka Restaurant in Rosemead, California, at 7 p.m. After dinner, we have speakers, slides, raffles, and all the good camaraderie our club provides! We publish a monthly news bulletin and a breeder's guide every two years.

Some of our more unusual activities include an annual aviary tour and a big, annual November gamebird show which is judged by Federation standards. It's often we will have over 1,000 birds entered at this show so it's really worth your while if you can arrange a visit.

Another of our show activities is a big bird display and club booth at the huge Los Angeles County Fair, Pomona, California, that happens annually in September and runs four about two weeks.

The dues are $14.00 per year, $6.00 for a second adult household member, $6.00 for a student 12-18 years old, $3.00 for a junior up to 12 years old.

Join us and have some fun meeting new people, while learning all about gamebirds! Contact: Kathy Evanilla, 4928 North Doreen Ave., Temple City, CA 91780. •