The National Cockatiel Society


Enthusiasm, growth, learning, a commitment to excellence; these are the ideals embodied deep in the soul, and very heart, of the National Cockatiel Society (NCS). Founded in 1983 by a group of dedicated cockatiel breeders and enthusiasts, the organization has continued to prosper with over 5,500 members to date. And, NCS continues to strive forward offering a host of benefits to its membership.

Educational Learning Opportunities

The NCS Magazine: Benefits of membership include the bi-monthly, highly informative NCS Magazine, a quality publication displaying full color cover photographs of popular and rare cockatiel mutations. Each issue is packed with an array of information, including feature articles; display and classified advertising; and regular columns from the magazine's staff including: the NCS Breeding Consultant, the NCS Genetics Consultant, the NCS Pet Care Consultant, the NCS Veterinary Consultant and the NCS Nutrition Consultant, all of whom also answer members' written questions. Plus, each issue features the new Coverbird-« column, with the NCS Genetics Consultant's written description of the mutations featured on our full color covers! Features from our January-February 1991 issue included: "The Hatching of a Breeder, Part I;' "Video in the Birdroom;' "Cockatiels and Other Pets;' "Computing for Your Birds;' ''Veterinarian Questions and Answers;' "Giardia Infections in Birds;' "Nutritional Programs, Part 11;· and "First time Handfeeding ;' among others.

NCS Video Programs: Under its educational committee, NCS has been working on video tape programs for use with its affiliated clubs to be made available in the coming year.

NCS Genetics Booklet: Members are invited to purchase, at small additional cost, the genetics booklet "For The Breeder;' to help compute those difficult color-breeding crosses.

NCS Judges' Panel Booklet: 1991 will see the production of a guide to exhibition and all information that pertains to showing and judging cockatiels in a Judges' Panel booklet which will become available, at small additional cost, to all members.

Avian Research: To date, NCS has contributed several thousand dollars to fund research grants to benefit the cockatiel in the areas of disease, nutrition and reproduction. These grants were contributed to fund the work at the University of California at Davis, as well as the AFA Avian Research Committee's grant programs.


Individual Benefits

Closed-coded Leg Bands: Members are assigned their own personalized band code when they order, at small additional cost, their traceable closed metal bands.

Aviary Registration: Members may apply to register their aviaries with NCS for a one-time registration fee with the NCS Point Registrar. Registered aviaries retain the right to keep their registered name.

NCS Sales Store: Members may purchase a variety of NCS specialty items ranging from NCS t-shirts and birth certificates, to NCS member's stationery and more.

NCS Specialty Raffles: The National Cockatiel Society offers special rare mutation cockatiels raffled at each of the national shows and events, including the AFA Annual Convention, Kaytee Great American Bird Show and the National Cage Bird Show.

NCS Rare Breeders: The National Cockatiel Society offers NCS closedbanded cockatiels for sale, including many of the rare varieties, raised by members of the Board of Directors to help secure funds to carry on the important goals and work of the Society.

Membership Card: Each member receives his or her own permanent NCS membership card upon joining the Society.