From the Editor's Desk


Dear editor:

Your special CITES issue was and has been desperately needed. My husband and I have supported proenvironmental issues for years. About three years ago we became aviculturists, We did this with the thought we could contribute to the saving of one type of wildlife. Since then, we have been faced with multiple medical problems, design problems for lighting, cages, and misting. We even moved from a neighborhood we lived in for 18 years, just so we can accommodate "this noise'.' We have some success and some failures, and deaths which break our hearts.

My husband and I, as we've grown to love birds and become more knowledgeable, have nightmares about whether we might be contributing to the destruction of a species. So, we've made our compromises. We only buy birds already here and we are only going to buy U.S. raised, or mistreated birds.

Your articles have articulated the concept of why and what we thought we could do to help.

Thank you! We needed our doubts calmed and placated. But, we also need reasons to go on with the heartache and the joys of aviculture and defend it before those who care about wildlife, but only see one side.


Nancy]. Taylor ApacheJunction, Arizona