Cockatoo Massacre


The holocaust of cockatoos continues in the sub-continent of Australia.

A three year open season for the wanton destruction of sulphur crested cockatoos has been delcared by the Ministry for Fisheries and Wildlife. This under the guise of a conservation measure'

The only apparent concern of these misguided "conservationists". oblivious to the inhumanity of this merciless carnage. is that no tree be damaged while these beautiful birds are being ruthlessly exterminated'

If Australia does not esteem the beauty of its fauna, at least it should realize the revenue to be gained through a controlled program of ethical cropping of this renewable natural resource. This would at least avoid the abhorent and inhumane measures now being sanctioned to control it's bird population.

It is ironic that the very organizations who profess to be the most concerned with inhumane treatment or dissipation of wildlife. the humane societies and the conservationists. have yet to raise one word against this senseless inhumane mass slaughter of a God-given bounty.

The American Federation of Aviculture protests this arbitrary and needless destruction of bird wild life and urges the government of Australia to consider a program of harvesting and saving these birds as a humane and responsible solution to their problem.