AFA Conducts First Mini-Convention


The first of a series of regional miniconventions took place in Chicago the week-end of February 2-3, 1979 at the Sheraton O'Hare Hotel. Despite three feet of snow and sub-zero temperatures, over a hundred members from the mid-west and as far away as California and Florida were in attendance.

Activities began Friday evening with a get acquainted cocktail party at the A.F.A. hospitality suite. Saturday morning began bright and early with the regular meeting of the Board of Directors. A number of important decisions were made affecting A.F.A. 's future course including a more aggressive pursuit of efforts to de-regulate captive, endangered species.

Five lectures were presented Saturday afternoon to an enthusiastic audience. Speakers included Bill Reichert and Don Perez of National Bird Design on Canaries; Dennis Decourcey, Superintendent of Birds at the Brookfield Zoo, on current breeding successes at Brookfield; Rainer Erhart on Psittacines, their care and breeding; Dr. T.J. Lafeberon acclimation of new birds; and Dr. Dennis Murphy, regional epidiornologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, on the latest developments in the exotic Newcastle Disease (VVND) program.

Ajoining the lecture hall, a commercial bird display area featuring a number of local and regional manufacturers and distributors was open to the public.

Following the afternoon lectures, a no host cocktail hour was held prior to the dinner banquet. Dr. Val Clear delivered the banquet address, describing the progress aviculture has made over the past twenty years. Dr. Clear noted a number of changes in avicultural sophistication, legislation affecting the fancy, and the dramatic increase in the cost of birds during that period.