1978 Convention - Dallas, Texas


High up in a beautiful loft-office, looking out into the worst torrent of rain Southern California has seen in years, sunny plans were made for Dallas, Texas. On the afternoon of March 4th, Gene Hall's Fortune Glen Aviaries provided a pleasant meeting place for Convention Chairman - Dr. Raymond J. Jerome, Dallas, Texas, Convention Steering person - Joe de Aguiar, Huntington Beach, California, and AF A Art Director - M. Jean Hessler, Costa Mesa, California.

The convention will be held in Dallas, Texas. It is being hosted by two active clubs in that area, The Dallas Cage Bird Society and The Fort Worth Bird Club. Dr. Jerome has some innovative ideas that will stimulate the most worn out convention goer. He is compiling a list of great guest speakers, combined with workshops and seminars.

The theme for a very attractive commercial exhibit is being detailed now. It will be designed to attract and educate the general public, displaying a wide range of bird related items and, no doubt, it will be a boon to those well organized individuals who like to start Christmas shopping early.

The location chosen for this convention is the North Park Inn, Dallas, Texas. It is adjacent to one of the largest, finest shopping centers and restaurants in the area.

Dates have tentatively been set for Thursday, August 24 through Sunday, August 27. The Annual Business Meeting for Delegates and State Coordinators will start Thursday and will carry one through Friday morning. The official convention activities will commence at J p.m. Friday, with registration taking place Friday morning.

Some of the prices and details have not been confirmed yet. It is certain that bird lovers will be hard pressed to buy a finer three day weekend anywhere. The Convention Package will provide new, exciting lectures, seminars, and workshops conducted by people that are tops in their chosen fields. There will be cocktail parties, and exhibits to dazzle the eye and challenge the imagination. Tours are scheduled on Sunday to local Zoological Parks. The North Park Inn is reputed to put on a fantastic buffet dinner, which may be ear-marked for the Awards Banquet Saturday evening. A lunch and starter breakfasts of Danish rolls and coffee is also included in the plan.

Another tremendous raffle is planned to preceed the Saturday night banquet. Last year's raffle chairman, Joe de Aguiar, was so successful, offering us a selection and volume unheard of before and topping it off with a new car, we thought it only fair to hang the same job on him this year. Joe has some more surprises rattling around in his raffle barrel for this year. Tickets will soon be available, don't be shy! There will be a lot of opportunities to win beautiful birds and other great surprises Joe has not announced yet.

Pre-registration will be a definite financial advantage. A schedule of events, raffle details, and cost of the convention package will be confirmed soon and will appear in the April/May Watchbird. All AFA members and commercial establishments will receive personal invitations. The convention is open to all who are interested. Extra invitations/registration packs will be made available to all member clubs and friends of AFA. You do not have to be a member of AF A to a ltend. WE are interested in making new friends, so bring some along'.