Magnificent Flight


Something that will never leave my mind is a statement I read some years ago when I first entered the fascinating world of birds. I was investigating the proper design for my bird's living quarters when I came across it. "Never buy a cylinder-type cage;' it read, "birds are not helicopters'.' Well, at that time, nothing on the market came close to resembling an oblong cage. So with a little coaxing I convinced my husband to build me two well-thought-out bird housing units. Elaborately and beautifully designed on a wooden frame they included such "high class" features as a sliding plastic door; draft-proof, washable walls that let in plenty of light; plenty of air circulation, a pull-out tray; provisions for seed hulls to be caught and kept in, etc. We were all set. I sat back and watched my poor birds try to fly in these decently sized living spaces, but no matter how big they were compared to the norm the birds just couldn't get enough exercise in them. After watching in frustration I decided they had to be let out for exercise and often!