The Mystery Of Migration


Of all the wonders associated with
birds, the ability to migrate to far off
places with precision of navigation
remains the "mystery of the ages:' It is
not my purpose to review the volumes
of literature covering this topic, but only
to indicate possible solutions are as
likely hidden in the past as the present.
The homing pigeon has traditionally
been used to study orientation because
the variables of study are more easily
controlled in domestic pigeons than in
wild bird populations. James L. Gould
(Nature, Vol. 296, 18 March 1982) states
clearly, "Homing pigeons can be taken
from their lofts and transported
hundred of kilometers in covered cages
to unfamiliar sites and yet, when
released, be able to choose fairly
accurate homeward bearings within a
minute and fly home. From direct
tracking we know that a homing pigeon
typically circles near the release site
once or twice, edging in the general
direction of home, and then...