In Congress Assembled, Endangered Species


A. F. A. efforts to downgrade the Scarlet-chested and Turquoisine Parakeets from endangered to threatened, so that breeders may sell them inter-state, has hit a snag.

In January 1978 A.F.A. submitted its completed application for a determination that the above named birds are not endangered in captivity and that a Captive, SelfSustaining Population (CSSP) existed as per the CSSP Rule adopted by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) in June 1977. Under that rule six species of pheasants were downgraded to threatened and a number of pheasant breeders have received two year permits allowing them to sell birds inter-state - an action previously prohibited.

It was not until September 1978 that A.F.A. received a written acknowledgement from FWS concerning its CSSP application. At that time A.F.A. was advised that their application would be held in abeyance until action was taken on the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding endangered species published in the Federal Register April 14, 1978 (see Watchbird Vol. V, No. 2, Apr/May 1978). A.F.A. was further advised it would possibly take two years before final action would be taken on the "Advance Notice." and that the CSSP application might not then be necessary.

A.F.A. feels that the FWS has not been fair in its relationship with A.F.A. If it has the mechanism for processing CSSP applications, and has already done so with pheasants, then they must do the same with any other applications.

In response to this unfortunate tum of events, A.F.A. has contacted Congressman Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. - long time friend of A.F.A. - and Senator John Culver, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, which is currently considering amendments to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. They have been asked for their assistance in resolving the present impasse.

A.F.A. 's attorney, Volney F. Morin, Jr., has advised the Fish & Wildlife Service that they are legally bound to process A.F.A. 's CSSP application. Fish & Wildlife's response and other developments will be reported as they arise.

A.F.A. is currently considering the submission of additional CSSP applications on several other species including the Elliot's Pheasant, Rothschild's Mynah, and the Venezuelan Siskin.