President's Message


Miami. Florida. has been selected as the place for our 1979 A.F.A. Convention. The time will be in August and our hosts will be the Gold Coast Exotic Cage Bird Club.

Arrangements are in the capable hands of our new convention chairman. Dr. Ronald L. Harris of Miami. Past President, Lee l lorton. has been appointed convention coordinator and will provide our chairman with able assistance.

The Gold Coast Exotic Bird Club has always been in the fore front in all A.F.A. affairs. so we are looking forward to an outstanding convention next year. I am sure that other affiliated aviculture associations and clubs on the cast coast will give our host club all of the help needed lo assure success.

Any suggestions from members regarding the planning and the program should be submitted in writing to our convention coordinator. All suggestions will be given full consideration and passed on lo our chairman with recommendations. All comments must be received early as this convention is already in the planning stage.

Our workshops at the last convcm ion were so well attended and received so many accolades that more a re being planned for the next one.

Our special scientific seminar Ior veterinarians and scientifically interested aviculturists was so outstanding that another. too. will be given at the Miami Convention. This is part of A.F.A.'s education program and once more the most distinguished scientists and veterinarians in the field or avian medicine. nutrition and research will be contacted for next year symposium.

A.F.A. will hold open board meetings in Chicago on Saturday. February 3. J 979. and in Washington. D.C .. on Sat urday. April 7. 1979. These events will each consists of a board meeting open to the general membership in the morning followed by a program in the afternoon, a social hour and reservation dinner in the evening.

Registra lion Corms for the above two meetings will be published in the Watchbird in a later issue. These gatherings provide an excellent opportunity for delegates and members in the Midwest and East, respectfully. to participate and provide input into A.F.A. It is suggested that those attending plan to arrive on Friday evening in order to engage in some socializing and good in formal discussions prior to the meetings.

Many members have contacted me to ask just how they can participate more in A.F.A. work. There are many ways they can do so. They can volunteer to serve as state-coordinutorx. work on commit tees and help by promoting A.F .A. membership. The latter is best done by giving out subscription brochures each time they sell a bird thereby soliciung new members. Subscription brochures are available to all members simply by making a request in writing for them to our Home Office Chairman at our Garden Grove, Calif  P.O. BOX (P.O. Box 1125. ;ip code 92642).