New Conservation Committee Chairman Announced


The Conservation Committee was
established in 1984 under the chairmanship
of Robert J. Berry, Curator of
Birds, Houston Zoo. Mr. Berry remained
chairman until July of 1986 when Guy
Farnell, Curator of Birds, Atlanta Zoo,
became chairman. Due to personal
reasons Mr. Farnell resigned the position
in early 1987. Jack Clinton-Eitniear,
Director, Center for the Study of
Tropical Birds, is the current chairman.
Jack is known to most A.F.A. members
through his From the Field articles. In
addition to his Watchbird contributions
he is editor of the Honeycreeper, a
bulletin of the International Softbill
Society, Latin American regional editor
for the EYAS, bulletin of the ational
Wildlife Federation's Raptor Information
Center and America's Correspondent
for Vulture News, journal of
the Endangered Wildlife Trust 's Vulture
Study Group.