The 1978 National Raffle Chairman, Joe de Aguiar, has expressed his sincere thanks to all who donated prizes, purchased tickets, and lend support in any way to the success of I the 1978 AF A Raffle recently held at the Convention.
Chris Rowley '78 Chevrolet Chevette A.F.A.
Shirley Olfs pr. Umbrella Cockatoos Harold Yanik
Bob Austin African Grey Parrot Frank Miser
Darla Walker pr. Golden Mantle Rosellas Gene Hall
Virginia Smith pr. Cinnamon Cockatiels Tom Squyres
J. Zey pr. Cinnamon Cockatiels Nancy Reed
Barry Adler pr. Turquoisine Parrakeets Mark Runnals
Jim Heinen pr. Red Rump Parrakeets Jerry Jennings
Harold & Helen Hanson pr. Bourke Parrakeets Ralph Smith
Milo Garner pr. African Ringneck Parrakeets Stan Dumke
Joseph Idings pr. Pied Cockatiels Steve & Sharon Clause
Jack Schultz Blue Fronted Amazon Charles Terris Aviaries
David Hilberg pr. Mutation Love Birds Richard Mattice
R.C. Mealey pr. Blue Peach Face Love Birds Dr. Richard Baer
Buz Neely pr. Blue Masked Love Birds James Campolo
Pam Laddy pr. Fischer's Love Birds Clifton Witt
Cheron Wise pr. Pearl Cockatiels Mrs. Mike Simmons
Dale Thompson pr. Normal Cockatiels Joe Lannon
Charles Noble pr. Normal Cockatiels Henry Dryman
Al Valenzuela Portable Aviary Firtile Fingers
Frank Miser pr. Gloster Canaries Janice Pritchard
David Hilberg pr. Peach Face Love Birds Harold Brown
Mike Fisher pr. Mutation Love Birds Agapornis Acres
Patrick Joy pr. Mandarin Ducks Mickey Ollson
Jane Kennedy pr. Bokhara Pigeons Michael Curtis
Dr. Raymond Jerome pr. Extra Fancy Tumbler Pigeons Michael Curtis
William Kwist Book, Finches & Softbills Don Thomas
Clyde McFall pr. Bourke Parrakeets Jim Smith
Richard Barker pr. Cape Doves Moe Ratliff
Richard Mattice I yr. Subscription, Watchbird Joe de Aguiar
Jody Laurence Check for $1 ,000.00 A.F.A.