Avy Awards




It is the unanimous opinion of the 1977 Avy Awards Committee that the Gold and Silver awards are prestige awards that reflect achievements in the field of aviculture that are of national or international significance.

Bronze awards are in-house awards honoring people who have made outstanding contributions and services to the A.F.A.

The 1977 Avy Awards Committee: Joseph Griffith, chairman, Ana Marie Bailey, Gordon Outhier, John Moseley, and Art North have selected the following people to receive awards. The awards were presented at the Saturday night Convention banquet, September 17th, Scottsdale, Arizona.


DR. VAL CLEAR - years of outstanding contributions to the field of aviculture, nationally and internationally.

N.E. and ELSIE COLLIAS - world first breeding of the Sociable Weaver,Philetarius socius.



MAX KENNEDY - Category 8, most progress, Cockatiels. GENE HALL - Category 8, most progress, Rosellas.

JOE BRUNGARD - Category 5 , consistent breeding of difficult species, Tanangers. WILLIAM EVENS - Category 3, progress establishing new mutations, Pied Cockatiels. HAROLD SODAMANN - Category 7, consistent winning (domestic birds), Canaries. DANIEL FED UK - Category 7, Consistent winning (domestic birds), American Singer Canaries.

MARGARET FRICK - Category 8, most progress, American Singers.

JOSEPH CROSBY - Category 4, proving fertility in hybrids previously unknown, Splendid/Bourke Parrakeet.


BRONZE - Service to AFA VOLNEY F. MORIN, JR. - attorney. DR. RICHARD BAER - legislation. CLIFTON WITT- legislation.

RUTH HANESSIAN - legislation

MARY KOZELUH - office administration. FRANK KOZELUH - office administration. JOE DE AGUIAR - raffle chairman.

BRONZE - Contribution to Watchbird PAM COLBY - typesetting

BILL MURRAY - printing.

ED LAWRENCE - best series of articles.