

"Stockmanship" and "stockmen" are
terms normally associated with agricultural
enterprises. The swineherd, shepherd
and herdsmen are all stockmen, as
are cowboys and poultry men. They all
have one thing in common; a good
stockman is a planner. He knows everything
about his charges before his
season begins. He knows when a particular
cow or sheep will be giving
birth, or that grazing in a field is coming
to an end and plan for new grass areas.
He is a vet, biologist, countryman,
manager, woodsman, carpenter and
handyman, but most importantly a
good stockman cares deeply about his
animals. He knows not to drive a tractor
into a barn full of laying hens or calving
cattle. He knows by the sky that tomorrow
will be bitterly cold and moves
extra food and protection for his beasts
- instinctive behavior.