Message to the Membership


The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has once again passed, and it is time to get back to work. Did you make a New Year's resolution? Resolutions are often made in an attempt to improve ourselves or things we care about.

It has been said that only 60 percent of those making a resolution are able to keep it for at least part of the year. It is difficult to be focused for an entire year, but what about 30 days?

It takes about 21 to 30 days to make a habit stick. Habits and routines develop over time and it is easier to focus on one month, enjoy success, and then move on to the next month with even greater energy.

Here are a few resolutions we can work on to help our birds.

1. Get someone interested in birds and explain the importance of being a member of AF A.

2. Share your knowledge about the organization with your bird dub (internet dubs and specialty groups are welcome).


3. Complete both levels of the Fundamentals of Aviculture


4. Check out the improved AFA website (

5. Renew your membership and make an additional donation.

6. Reach out to someone who may be struggling with the care of their birds.

7. Make plans to attend the convention next August in San Antonio, and bring a friend.

8. Order your AFA leg bands for the 2012 year, early, before your chicks hatch.

9. Enjoy your birds!

We've made quite a few accomplishments this last quarter.

One of the most exciting is the acquisition of the Avimate software program. This program needs extensive updating and we

are working to have this done and available to AFA members and the public as soon as possible. Anyone with program suggestions is encouraged to call the AFA office and chat with Rick Jordan.

We are also planning an exciting event for the San Antonio convention and hope to release details with the next issue of Watch bird.