Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center Established at Texas A&M University


Texas A&M Uni ve rs it y at Coll ege
Statio n , Texas, already well known for
its macaw bre eding and resea rch
program, was the recent recipient of a
$1 million endowment fund donated by
Ri c h ard Schubo t o f Loxahatc h ee,
Fl o rid a. Schubo t 's $1 milli o n was
ma tc hed with equa l fund s by Texas
A&M with the who le amount sp ecifi -

cally earmarked for the establishment of
the Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center, a
fac ility fo r resea rch into the diagnosis,
treatme nt , cont rol and preve nti on o f
avian di seases. In addition to matching
Schubot 's end owment , Texas A&M has
also supplied a newly rebuilt and furni
s h ed labo ra tor y, an additi o na l
S 100,000 fo r new lab equipment and
S 100,000 mo re to establish av iaries for
breedin g and research colo ni es . The
colonies will be comprised of specificp
ath ogen f ree small macaws and
co nures . The uni ve rs ity has also
p rov ided for two graduate student and
two lab tech . positions.