From the editor's desk


The just past AFA convention in
Seattle was so good I can hardly believe
it. The people were warm, the experts
we1"e expert, the weather was ideal -
everything was perfect. And there was
no blood spilled. It seems impossible.
Everyone who bas ever been involved
in organizational, corporate, etc.
politics takes the occasional throatcutting
or backstabbing pretty much in
stride. This is business as usual. But in
Seattle there were no mortalities. The
AFA leadership exuded a jovial confidence
that at once put folks at ease and
inspi1"ed enthusiasm and optimism for
the future. Bravo! There are more
detailed articles on the convention in
this and future issues but I just bad to
uoice my personal pleasure at bow well
the convention carried. You all should
have been there. The Northwest Exotic
Bird Society outdid itself as a host club.