Random Thoughts on Witchcraft


There was a time, not too many generations ago, when almost everyone believed in witches, and spells, and magic of all kinds. It was a time when people knew that secret potions, special foods, significant dates, and certain rituals, if one could learn and apply them properly, would bring success and fame. A few people, even at that time, thought this witchcraft to be untrue. These few believed that knowledge would be the key to success, that magic could not make one wise, and that only facts could be used as building blocks of knowledge. Facts, they claimed, were those things that one could see, measure, compare and, eventually, explain. The things a person felt, or thought, or hoped to be true really were feelings, ideas, or wishes, and should not be called "facts" unless they could be proven by evidence. For the evidence to prove that an idea was a fact, the evidence had to be clear to anyone that chose to look at it. This same group of people felt that for a...