Blacll-Cheeked Lovebirds the parrot pearl of the dark continent


This small lovebird, measuring
about 14 em, almost exact! y compares
to the Nyasa lovebird in the
same way as the masked compares to
the Fischer's lovebird. The forehead
is brown and cheeks are brownish
black. Throat and upper breast
become more orange-red in the
breeding season. Young birds still
being fed by their parents also have a
more distinctive orange-red upper
breast . The four outer tail feathers
have a patch of red. The rest of the
plumage is green, darker above and
olive green on the neck. Note, upper
tail coverts are green, and not pale
blue as in the masked lovebirds. The
bill is red and the naked skin around
the eyes is white. Legs are grey.



Moreau, R.E., 1948, "Evolution in Agapornis;·

Ibis, p.205-39,and 449-60.

Dilger. W.C.. 1960, "The Comparative Etiology

of the African Genus Agapornis;' Z. Tierpsychologi

, p. 647-685.

Low, Rosemary, 1986, "Parrots: Their Care and

Breeding;· 2nd edition.

Smith, G.A., 1979, "Lovebirds and Related

Parrots;· and personal communication.

Them, Peter, 1988, "Papegojer;· Clausens
