From the editor's desk


The newly approved Watchbird staff (Jack
Clinton-Eitniear, jerry jennings, Dale R.
Thompson - editors; Mary jean Hessler- art
director) wishes to thank those many people
who supported us through the recent transition.
We have an excellent team with a wide
range of expertise. We shall be incorporating
old and new concepts into the Watchbird and,
hopefully, we will broaden its scope of avicultural
information. We plan to provide as
many special avicuttural interests as possible.
Although we will still have an abundance of
psittacine articles, we plan to have a minimum
of one article on the subjects of finches,
canaries, gallinacious birds, softbills, doves
and/or pigeons, avian medicine, pet birds,
and avian conservation in each issue.
This is in addition to the standard information
already published. These include Veterinary
Viewpoints, letters to the editor, center
insert updates, AFA visits, AFA News and
Views, and the classified ads. There will also
be many additional concepts that will appear
in upcoming issues.
We invite our readership, all interested
aviculturists and bird lovers to submit avicultural
articles on the avian subject of your
choice and interest to the editorial staff We
would ask for double-spaced, type written
material with one or more photographs if
possible. This will greatly aid in our editing.
We are looking for the full spectrum of articles
from information to aid the beginner to
detailed information on specific avicultural
subjects. We will strive to make this magazine
meet the need or interest of every reader.
We have the Board's approval to expand the
Watchbird by eight pages in the upcoming
issues and ask for your support in making the
Watchbird, the best American avicultural
magazine, even better.
Dale R. Thompson, co-editor