Veterinary Viewpoints


Question: I have a pet African grey
parrot that has recently become
broody. Even though she is a pet, she
continually lays eggs, and then sits on
the eggs. I have removed the eggs, but
then she will tear up paper and sit on
the bottom of the cage as if in a nest. I
also breed birds but I would like to
keep this bird as a pet. What would
you suggest?
J. Cable, California
Answer: As many birds reach sexual
maturity, the hormonal changes that
occur often take precedent in a bird's
life. A once loveable pet may become
aggressive during that species' normal
breeding season and display signs of
territorialism or, occasionally, severe
biting. Other birds, such as with your
pet African grey, may remain good
tempered but produce eggs or display
nest building behavior. One option
would be the placement of the bird
into a breeding situation. You should
realize, though, that in a large percentage
of situations where a beloved pet...