Big Annual Fund-raising Raffle Planned for the Phoenix Convention


been e ngaged in a flurry of activity to
round up the finest prizes we can imagine
for the 1989 Phoenix convention raffle.
The drawings will be spread over a twoday
period - August 12 - 13 and will be
held at the reso rt hotel (The Pointe at
o uth Mountain) site of the convention,
Phoenix, Arizona.
At this time a lot of great items are still
in the process of being logged in . A
partial listing includes: a fine art signed/
numbe red bird print by well -known
British artist Eric Peake, pair of eclectus
parrots, pair of mute swans, pair of fru it
doves, pair of rouracos, pair of pheasants,
pair of blue Indian ringnecked parakeets,
Lady Gouldian finches , African grey parrots
and , get ready for this . . . a beautiful
sterling silver inlaid necklace designed
and crafted by an Indian si lversmith from
the Phoenix area. A trip for two is also in
t he works with the exotic destination
soon ro be determined. More prizes are
being donated and confirmed dail y.