Watchbird readers have been informed about the historic developments of fecal steroid analysis and its utility as a non-invasive sexing method for adult birds (Bercovitz, 1981). Its potential for sexing newly hatched chicks was also discussed (Bercovitz et al., 1984). The AFA has had a direct involvement in this research, through its encouragement and financial support. Reported here are the summary results from our second AFA research grant (funded 10-23-84). It is an end to a beginning, success achieved with three captivebred species and a solid foundation for applications to many other rare and endangered species. The only unfortunate aspect of this near ideal chick sexing method is indicated in the subtitle; it is not yet practical or available to AFA...References
Bercovitz, A.B., 1981. Bird sexing methods, which should you choose? Watchbird 7(3): 18-20.
Bercovitz, A.B. Avian sex identification techniques. In: Companion Bird Medicine, E.L. Burr (ed.). Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IA, pp. 197-203, 1987.
Bercovitz, A.B. and Sarver, P.L., 1988. Comparative sex-related differences of excretory sex steroids from day-old Andean Condors (Vultur grypbus) and Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus): non-invasive monitoring of neonatal endocrinology. Zoo Biology 7: 147-153.
Bercovitz, A.B.; Czekala, N.M. and Lasley, B.L., 1987. A new method for sex determination of monomorphic birds. J. Zoo Anim. Med. 9: 114-124.
Bercovitz, A.B.; Frye, F. Jr. and Bain, J., 1984.
Final report - AFA sponsored research - Endocrine fecology of immature birds. Watchbird 11(2):38-44.
Bercovitz, A.B.; Mirsky, A. and Frye, F. Jr., 1985. Non-invasive assessment of endocrine differences in day-old chicks (Gallus domesticus) by analysis of the immunoreactive estrogen excreted in the egg.]. Reprod. Fert. 74:681-686.
Czekala, N.M. and Lasley, M.L., 1978. A technical note on the sex determination in monomorphic birds. Int. Zoo Yearb. 17:209-211.
Ozon, R., 1969. Steroid biosynthesis in larval and embryonic gonads of lower vertebrates. Gen. Comp. Endocr. Suppl. 2:135-140.