Breeding the Endangered Venezuelan Black..-hooded Red Siskin


The Red Siskin, Carduelis
( = Spinus) cucullata, is a small (3.5
to 4 inch long) neotropical finch
which has been excessively trapped
for the cagebird trade since the early
20th century! As a result, the wild
populations of siskins have been
drastically reduced to very small,
scattered groups in Venezuela. This
beautiful bird may become extinct in
the wild unless steps can be taken to
preserve and enhance the existing
The Red Siskin has been protected
by Venezuelan law since the 1940s,
the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
since 1975, and has been listed as an
endangered species by the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service since 1976. Illegal
trapping and export of wild siskins
from their Venezuelan homeland
continues to put pressure on the
remaining wild Red Siskin populations.
The following steps might help
preserve and enhance the few, existing
wild Red Siskin populations:
• Increased law enforcement
efforts to intercept smuggled birds.
• Pressuring all countries responsible
for accepting smuggled
birds (i.e. the Netherlands) into
becoming members of CITES, and to
abide by the rules dictated by this
international convention.
• Creation of national parks where
the endangered siskin can thrive.
• Reintroducing captive-bred Red
Siskin offspring back into the wild to
strengthen the existing wild populations.



Coats, S. and Phelps, W.H., Jr. 1985. The

Venezuelan Red Siskin: Case History of an

Endangered Species. Neotropical Ornithology,

AOU Monograph, no. 36, Allen Press,

pp. 977·985.

American Cage-Bird Magazine: 61(7) July,

Pg. 8. Siskin Sub-Committee


Clifford's Pet Supplies and Seed, P.O. Box

, Blasdell, NY 14219-0194.

Black, R.G. 1981. Nutrition of Finches and

Other Cage Birds. Copple House Printing

and Binding, Lakemont, Georgia 30552.

Pg. 43.

Frey, H. 1985. The Black-hooded Red

Siskin, an Endangered Species. An Interview

with Pat Dempko. AFA Watchbird, Volume

XII, no. 4, pp. 40-42.

Coles, D. 1988. Results of the Hooded

Siskin Census. AFA Watchbird, Feb/Mar,

pp. 42-45.