Showing Cockatiels for the Novice


Many first-time visitors to my home are amazed. First, at the cages, feed dishes, show boxes and cockatiel col- lection. Second, at the plaques, trophies, certificates and ribbons that hang from odd corners and shelves around the bird room . Invariably, they will ask, ''How did you ever get involved

with bird shows?" and " how did you learn what to do?" 

Concerningthequestionof " how did you get involved?" , we all have different stories concerning our ini- tial contact with birds and how we each progressed into breeding birds to meet specific standards for exhibition . But , showing is not only the breeding and exhibiting of the birds, it is also the competition , seeing old friends , and talking '' birds" with others who will listen for hours as we describe problems in the nestbox and the latest baby bird that is sure to make

the ''Top Bench". We come back year after year as we strive for 

points and the renewal of friendships .