It all began one Indian summer day
when, at a local outing of our bird
club, I met one of the most beautiful
green birds I had ever seen.
Our bird club had an annual date at
the fall fair to show our birds off to
the public and also to each other. I
had brought a variety of small birds,
parakeets, finch and cockatiels. The
people next to me had brought a
magnificent Scarlet Macaw, a Blue
and Gold Macaw and the first minimacaw
I had ever seen, a ravishingly
beautiul Severe Macaw (Ara severa).
I overheard Sue and Bob talking
about selling this little green bird.
I couldn't believe my ears . So I
screwed up my courage and approached
Sue. Rather timedly I asked
how much this bird was worth. My
hopes were dashed when she told
me that she had just finalized a deal
for Mac. Someone was going to trade her some cockatiles and a variety of
other birds for her. Well, I asked her
to please think of me if the deal went
sour because I really thought this
bird was great.
Later on that day, my husband
joined me in showing off our birds
and he also met the Severe. Like me,
Jeff also thought that she was a lovely
bird, but he wasn't quite ready to
jump through hoops to own her. But
we did talk to Sue and she told us the
price of the bird if her other deal fell
through. She seemed to feel that the
deal was solid.