Veterinary Viewpoints


Question 1: There are numerous antibiotics for the treatment of bacteria; why aren't there any drugs available for viral infections?

C Tuttle, New York
Answer #1: As in human medicine, to this date, there are very few drugs effective against viruses. Bacterial organisms are sensitive to specific spectrums of antibiotic therapy. Viruses are completely unaffected by antibiotics. There are a few antiviral drugs that have very limited use against a few types of viruses. Most of the antiviral drugs are effective or partially effective against the herpes virus.

Robert B. Altman, DVM Franklin Square, New York
slow. Many of the viral diseases which afflict western society were controlled with vaccines. Only recently has western medicine encountered enigmatic diseases such as AIDS and Herpes which have, to date, defied viable vaccine development. With the advent of these two diseases, much research is now being conducted in the area of antiviral drug therapy.

One difficulty encountered in developing anti-viral drugs is that the virus commandeers the host cellular machinery in order to reproduce. Hence, it is difficult to attack viral functions without harming the host cells. Also, most viruses are very hostspecific, suggesting that a drug that worked for a particular virus in one host, may not work in another. Another difficulty is that there are many different types of viruses, each with different modes and routes of reproduction. So a drug that may be effective against one virus would be useless for another virus. Therefore, one must know exactly what type of virus one is dealing with before selecting the appropriate drug.

The drug acyclovir, for example, has been shown to reduce mortality in outbreaks of Pacheco's disease, a frequently fatal herpesvirus infection found in psittacine birds. There are other antiviral drugs currently under development, but are not yet available for the commercial sector. Darrel K. Styles, DVM

College Station, Texas
Answer #3: Antibiotics, agents derived from soil bacteria, molds and synthetically created products aid the body in fighting bacterial infections by either weakening the bacteria (bacteriostatic) or killing them (bac- tericidal). They accomplish this by interfering with the bacteria's metabolism, destroying the membrane that covers the bacteria, or preventing the bacteria from multiplying. Viruses are incomplete organisms needing portions of the host animal's cells to survive and reproduce. Antibiotics are therefore not active against viruses. There is a drug currently effective against a virus. The drug acyclovir is active against Herpes viruses. Cold sores, canker sores, venereal herpes in humans and Pacheco's disease in psittacines are examples of herpes virus infections. Pharmaceutical companies are actively working on developing other compounds with antiviral activity. The current HIV (AIDS) epidemic will unquestionably result in an expanded effort at developing antiviral agents and I would predict that more of them will be available in the future.

James M. Harris, DVM Oakland, CA
Question #2: We have two small children and they love our Red Lored Amazon but I am worried about germs or bacteria from the bird that might affect the children. Do I have anything to worry about or am I just being over protective?

L. Rozelle, Massachusetts

Answer #1: There are relatively few concerns about transmission of bacteria or viruses from birds to family members, particularly children. The greatest potential for this occurrence is at the time that the bird is first purchased, since there is no way to know what potential exposure the bird has had to these organisms. It is, therefore, important to have the bird examined by a veterinarian and checked for potential transmissible problems as soon as it is purchased. There are really only two organisms that are of prime concern and which have any major consequences when transmitted to humans. Salmonellosis and chlamydia (psittacosis, parrot fever) can both be detected on a complete physical examination. Once the bird has been examined and deemed free of these diseases, the only way that the birds...