Most of us who like birds also like books, ceramics, sculptures, photos, prints and paintings that depict birds. With that particular flaw in my own background, I found myself wandering through the myriad displays of art work at the October West Wildlife and Western Art Show held last October 16 and 17 at the L.A. Equestrian Center in Burbank, California.It was thoroughly enjoyable. There was a plethora of paintings and prints (and some bronze castings as well) that I wanted but, of course, my annual art budget was depleted months before.
In addition to enjoying the excellent examples of art by well known artists, I had the great pleasure of running across several old friends - a couple of whom I hadn't seen for 10 or 15 years.
Lyrae Perry and husband Fred are friends of many years. We spent a lot of time together in years past comparing notes about raising birds. Perrys are noted aviculturists specializing in Asiatic psittacines. Perhaps that is why I was somewhat surprised to see that Lyrae had created several excellent paintings of marine birds. In fact, her "Surf Scoter" completed in 1991 won first prize in the marine category. Her "California Brown Pelican" in breeding color was another entry in the same category. I think I like the pelican because it reminds me of an old time aviculturist most of us have known for years. Perhaps Perry was a little adrift with the sea birds for awhile but she finally landed and created a very nice painting called "Just Fledged." A fledgling Anna's Hummingbird is trying to figure out what to do about the ladybug close at hand. In addition to making her mark in wildlife art, Perry served as one of the directors. She is also treasurer of the Southern California Wildlife Artists Association.
As Perry showed me around, we turned a corner and bumped into Gamini Ratnavira, an artist most AF A members know of. Ratnavira is such a pleasant fellow that I would like him immensely even if he couldn't paint. He is doubly blessed, however. In addition to a very engaging personality, he has an extraordinary talent.